( BODY SURGERY )  Body plastic surgery  sees the preponderant presence of that concerning the breast, with breast augmentation, reduction and mastopexy surgery which respectively give greater, lesser volume or resolve breast ptosis. In men, there is also breast surgery with two main operations: gynecomastia (true and false) and post bariatric body contouring after weight loss.
On the upper limbs, arm lift (brachioplasty) is common among women after a certain age or after weight loss.
Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) is a traditional cosmetic surgery intervention that tries to solve both the problems of the disharmonious silhouette at the level of the trunk and, in cases of diastasis of the rectus abdominal muscles, the complete repair of the abdominal wall, repositioning the navel and arranging excess skin.
Similar interventions, now more frequent in the post bariatric population, are torsoplasty (like a tummy tuck, but circumferential) and thigh lift, which by removing excess skin, gives a new shape to the root of the lower limb.
Finally, the liposculpture intervention, in the last decade, has been perfected thanks to the technological advancement of the design and production of less and less invasive cannulae both in the liposuction phase and in the increasingly common re­injection phase in the appropriate locations to give a new, more harmonious body silhouette (fat grafting).