CO2 Resurfacing Laser

CO2 Resurfacing Laser
CO2 RESURFACING Laser Treatment
Photoaging of the face, neck and hands (wrinkles, spots, relaxation etc …)
Outcomes of acne, chicken pox or other scars.
Laser treatment session is outpatient and painless. Only antiviral and antibiotic prophylaxis is required for a total face resurfacing.

Post treatment:
In the first 2‐3 days the treated skin will form crusts which will fall off over the course of 4‐6days.Youwil need to apply ointments to nourish the skin at this stage. Return to social activities is allowed after 5‐6 days.

Stretch Marks
Stretch marks (striae distensae) are imperfections derived from the fracture of the dermis which is replaced by inelastic fibrocicatricial tissue. They are therefore to be considered as scars and therefore it is possible to treat them with a fractional CO2 laser, to erase the scar and induce the surrounding skin to react by constituting a new elastic connective tissue in the context of the dermis.
The treatment is outpatient and painless, after a couple of days a scab forms which, once fallen, will show new skin.
It is a repeatable treatment because often the depth of the stretch mark is such that in order not to burn the skin it is preferable to proceed gradually.
Red stretch marks (striae rubrae) represent the inflamed phase of a stretch mark and an alternative should
be discussed with the doctor before laser treatment.

Skin moles

The CO2 laser is also a very useful device for outpatient surgery as it simultaneously cuts and coagulates tissue.
For this reason it is a very suitable treatment in cases of benign neoformations of the skin that cause disturbances or represent imperfections like mole.
Lesions should be considered electively to be treated with CO2 laser cutting lesions such as dermatofibromas, keratoses, small sebaceous cysts, xantelasmas if small. Laser incision burns the margin therefore this type of treatment is not indicated for suspicious or frankly malignant lesions that require histological examination.
The laser treatment is outpatient, takes place under local anesthesia in a few minutes. A crust will form on the treated area which, once fallen, will be replaced by new skin.